Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Survivors of Sexual Violence Support Group


Toddler Center Seminar Open House -- March 11


Study Abroad Fair TODAY, February 11th at 3:30-6pm in the Diana Event Oval

Study Abroad Fair TODAY, February 11th at 3:30-6pm in the Diana Event Oval

Come learn about semester, year, and summer study abroad opportunities at the Study Abroad Fair. Meet program representatives and determine where you'd like to study next year. The Preliminary Barnard application deadline for Fall, Academic Year, and Spring programs is: March 15th, 2025. The Summer Preliminary Barnard application deadline is: April 15th, 2025. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Lunar New Year Events!

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Continue to celebrate the Lunar New Year by taking part in Lunar Reflections brought to you by Barnard Asian Diaspora and Notion, this Friday 2/7 1:00-3:00pm in 409 Barnard Hall. RSVP here. Come for delicious free food, raffles, and a good time with friends at the dinner this Friday 6:00-8:00pm in Diana Event Oval. RSVP here by signing in to MillieLink, or go to MillieLink and search Lunar New Year Dinner. For the most recent updates on these events, follow us @barnardsga on Instagram.

Monday, February 3, 2025

How to Drop a class by the February 25 deadline

 Friday, 1/31/2025 is the deadline to add a class, but you can still drop up to the February 25 deadline (after the drop deadline, you can withdraw with a W on or before March 27)

Follow the easy online steps below to drop a class on or before the deadline. 

1. Contact your adviser to discuss and obtain their approval

Best practice is to have an advising conversation where you discuss options and any possible implications of this drop on your full-time status or your graduation progress, but depending on how much you and your adviser have already discussed things, they may agree to review and approve your form without such a meeting


2. Submit the online Drop Request Form

You will only be able to drop online if your adviser grants permission. Be sure that you are not attempting to drop below 12 credits unless approved via CARDS or as a final-semester senior  -- the system will not allow drop below 12 credits without additional approval.


3. Once your adviser grants permission, you will receive an email informing you that you have permission to drop the class(es) discussed.

While this adviser permission is for the specific class you request, functionally it reopens your ability to drop in general, so be sure to drop the right class and nothing else.


4. **do NOT forget this step!!!** You will have two days to drop the class online via Student Planning.*

If you don't drop within the 2-day window, you will need to request permission again. 

*Note that you must drop on or before the drop deadline if you want the class removed from your transcript.


Friday, January 31, 2025

Departmental Program Planning Meetings/Open Houses - Spring 2025

Department NameMeeting Date and TimeMeeting Location
ReligionFeb 18, 12pm-2pmMilbank 224
EducationFeb 18, 6:15pm-7:30pmMilstein 614
American StudiesFeb 19, 5:00 PMSulzberger, 17th Floor, South Tower
Neuroscience and BehaviorFeb 20, noonZoom; Meeting ID: 984 3012 8357; passcode: plan
PsychologyFeb 20, 4pm-5pmZoom
Political ScienceFeb 25, 3pm-4pmLL001 Milstein
Urban StudiesFeb 25, 6pm-7pm7th floor of MLC
WGSSFeb 26, 2pm-3pmCCIS Conference Room, Barnard Hall 205
Jewish StudiesMarch 25, 9am-10am218 Milbank