Tuesday, April 30, 2024

P/D/F - Deadline Extention and Other Updates!


Barnard College

Dear Students,


As a follow up to my email from last week, I am writing to announce additional updates to the College’s Pass/D/Fail policy and deadlines, which are being put in place to further support your ability to finish the semester successfully. 


Further extension of Pass/D/Fail Deadline

Students will have until this Friday, May 3 to finalize their P/D/F elections in SSOL. 


Option to Elect Pass/D/Fail Grading in One Major or Minor Course

As we announced last week, students may elect P/D/F grading for two spring 2024 courses (rather than the usual limit of one course per term).


As a further exception, we will allow one of the two courses to be a course that is needed for either a major or a minor requirement. The P/D/F-elected course will count towards major or minor requirements if a passing grade is received. Please note:

The limit is one course. (Students cannot elect one course for their major and one course for their minor. Double majors must choose one class towards one of their two majors.)
Students may not elect P/D/F grading for senior thesis or capstone courses.


Additional Pass/D/Fail Revoking Period for Graduating Seniors

We will allow an additional week for graduating seniors to make a more informed decision about whether to revoke their previously-declared spring 2024 P/D/F elections.  


After the May 3 P/D/F election deadline, graduating seniors can use this Slate form to revoke a previously-declared P/D/F election until Friday, May 10. (Please note that seniors who revoke a P/D/F election during this period will not be able to elect P/D/F in a different class.)  


We hope this extra week gives a valuable opportunity for seniors to better assess their readiness to complete final exams and papers before the P/D/F elections are finalized.  We are offering this exception to seniors, who are not able to uncover “P” grades due to the timing of official degree conferral. As usual, continuing students will have until the end of the second week of the fall semester (September 13, 2024) to choose whether or not to uncover “P” grades.  


I strongly encourage those of you who are considering a P/D/F election in your major to consult with your advisers and/or the department chair before doing so, in order to understand the potential impact on your course of study and cumulative learning in your field.


I wish you all the best with your studies at the close of the semester.



Dean Grinage

Additional Support for Barnard Students


Barnard College

Dear Students,


We are reaching out to our Barnard student community in light of the takeover of Hamilton Hall this morning. This is a time of great upheaval, and we recognize that what is happening may elicit a range of responses. We are providing additional support for your emotional, academic and overall well-being as described below:


The Rosemary Furman Counseling Center:

Furman Counseling Center is located on the first floor of Hewitt Hall 

Hours: Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm

Walk-in hours 10am to 4pm or call 212-854-2092

All other appointments as previously scheduled


Primary Care Health Services:

PCHS is located in Reid Lower Level (Basement)

Hours: Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm

Walk-in hours 10am to 4pm or call 212-854-2091

Other appointments as scheduled previously


Wellness Spot:

The Wellness Spot is located at 119 Reid Hall (first floor of the Quad)

Staff Open Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 1pm to 4pm

Drop-in hours at Altschul Atrium today 1pm to 4pm


Deans’ Office for Advising and Support (Class Deans):

Students with an academic issue or who don’t know where to go are encouraged to reach out to their class dean by accessing this site https://barnard.edu/doas/staff, which includes links to individual youcanbookme sites for deans. If you cannot find an appointment online, please email dos@barnard.edu, and someone in the dean’s office will fit you in to an appointment as soon as possible.


Student Experience and Engagement:

Student Experience and Engagement (SEE), located on the 3rd floor of the Diana Center, invites students to drop in from 10:30am - 3pm Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for snacks and community. 


Center for Engaged Pedagogy (CEP):

CEP will hold drop-in hours for students in 126 Milstein with snacks and study supplies from 2-4pm on Wednesday, May 1 and Thursday, May 2 and 10am-12pm on Friday, May 3. Please also reach out to the CEP directly at pedagogy@barnard.edu (or by contacting a CEP staff member) if you have questions about where to go or who to contact about your questions navigating the end of the year. The CEP is there to support you as students (e.g., with studying strategies under challenging circumstances) and as people (e.g., how to prioritize self and community care).


Please know that we are here to help and support you and we will remain in close contact with updates as we learn more.


Take good care,


Marina Catallozzi, MD, MSCE

Vice President for Health & Wellness

Chief Health Officer

Barnard College

Monday, April 29, 2024

Final Exams, Honor Code, Incomplete Deadlines and more! Everything you need to know for the end of the semester


Barnard College

Dear Students,


As a challenging semester comes to a close, I write to share a number of updates to academic policies and logistics that have been put in place to provide additional support to all who wish to utilize available resources. The College recognizes that many of you are experiencing difficulty, and we encourage you to be in touch with your faculty members, class dean, CARDS, and advisers as needed, in addition to reviewing the options outlined below. 


Final Exam Information 


Barnard will align with Columbia regarding final exam procedures, and faculty holding exams will provide a remote option for students who request it. If you are choosing to elect this option for your classes, you must inform your individual faculty members by the last day of classes, which is Monday, April 29, so that they may plan accordingly for the exam period. You are not required to share the reason you are electing this option. Faculty have been encouraged to offer flexibility to students when possible. More information about options for final assessments will be provided by your faculty in the days to come.


Honor Code and Academic Standing


We remind you that students are bound by Barnard’s Honor Code, which applies in situations of remote learning and assessments in the same ways it does for in-person exams.


Please be advised that all students should be aware of Barnard’s academic standing policy (please scroll down on this page to “Academic Standing and Degree Progress”) and how incomplete grades, deferred exams and/or withdrawal grades may impact a student’s academic standing. To discuss your academic standing, please contact your class dean. 


Incompletes, Deferred Exams, and Pass/D/Fail Information



Incompletes are to be given only in cases of illness, personal emergency, or other compelling circumstances. If you need to request an Incomplete, please be in touch with your faculty member via email to obtain their approval. From there, you will need to submit an Incomplete Request Form in Slate, including uploading email confirmation from your instructor. 


For students who are not graduating in May 2024, the deadline to request an incomplete grade has been extended to May 10. Any graduating seniors who need to request an incomplete should be in touch with their class dean to discuss possible options.


As a reminder, the official College deadline for completing Spring 2024 Incomplete coursework is Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Individual faculty may also set an earlier deadline for the work to be completed. For more information, visit https://barnard.edu/registrar/grades-exams and scroll down to "Incomplete Grades."


Deferred Exams

Students may defer an exam due to illness or personal emergency on the day of the exam. If you need to request a deferral please fill out the Deferred Exam Form and review the procedures listed here: https://barnard.edu/registrar/grades-exams (scroll down to "Final and Deferred Exams.") Please be aware that deferred exams cannot be requested in advance of exam week.  


Illness During Exam

If you become ill during an in-person or proctored remote examination:

a) inform the proctor

b) hand in the exam, and

c) call Primary Care Health Services at 212-854-2091 to make an appointment.


If you've completed less than 40 minutes of a two-hour exam or less than one hour of a three-hour exam, you qualify for a deferred exam (see above.) If you leave the exam more than 40 minutes into a two-hour exam or more than an hour into a three-hour exam, you'll be graded on the basis of the work you've completed to that point. If you are ill for any unproctored or take-home exams, please refer to “Deferred Exams” above.


Pass/D/Fail Option

Students may elect the Pass/D/Fail option for two of their courses this semester, which is an increase from the standard allowance to select this option for one course. All other Pass/D/Fail policies remain in place. The deadline for electing the Pass/D/Fail option remains Monday, April 29. A class with a “pass” grade will not count towards the minimum credits required for dean’s list consideration. Note that graduating seniors are not eligible to uncover P grades in their final semester. 


It is my sincere hope that this information, including adjustments to academic policy and practice, will be helpful to you. I wish you well in these final weeks of the Spring semester.



Dean Grinage

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Academic Coaching Drop-In Hours EXTENDED!

Are you feeling stressed for finals, needing help organizing a study plan, or wanting to learn some new studying strategies? Join the program coordinator for academic coaching for one on one support! There will be drop in hours at various times from April 15th - May 2nd. You can sign up for a time using this form. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Allie Johnston at ajohnsto@barnard.edu.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Commuter Student Study Spaces! 4/26 & 4/29

The Non-Residential Support Office in collaboration with SEE and the Deans' Office for Advising and Support will be hosting Commuter Student study spaces!

If you are a commuter student, feel free to stop by Diana 504 on Friday, 4/26 from 10am - 12pm or MLC LL001 on Monday, 4/29 from 4pm - 6pm. Snacks will be provided!

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Urban Teaching Minor/Special Concentration

Interested in applying to Barnard Education Program's Urban Teaching Program? Reach out to education@barnard.edu by April 12th, 2024!


Friday, April 5, 2024

Finals Prep Sessions! 4/15 - 4/25

Are you feeling stressed for finals, needing help organizing a study plan, or wanting to learn some new studying strategies? Join the program coordinator for academic coaching for one on one support! There will be drop in hours at various times from April 15th - 25th. You can sign up for a time using this form. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Allie Johnston at ajohnsto@barnard.edu.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

How Do I Withdraw from a Class by the *NEW* 5:00 pm, April 22, 2024 Deadline???

 The **NEW** deadline to withdraw from a spring 2024 class is  April 22, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.  

Note that this is NOT the same date as the p/d/f deadline.

Withdrawn classes will not affect your GPA and you will not earn credit for them, but they will remain on your transcript, and a W will be entered place of the final grade. 

Note: You may not withdraw from a class if doing so would leave you with fewer than 12 credits.


To withdraw from a class, use this online form , following these steps:

1. Consult with your adviser.

2. Get an email from your adviser confirming they approve you to withdraw from this specific class.

3. Download that email as a PDF or save a screenshot of it.

4. Complete and submit the online W form on or before the W deadline, uploading your adviser’s confirmation email when prompted to do so.

5. You will receive an email confirmation once your W request is processed, ordinarily within two business days. 

Note that the W may not appear on your record until the end of the semester when final grades are entered.

Extension Of P/D/F and Withdrawal Deadlines for Spring 2024 Term

Barnard College

Dear Students,


We are writing to update you on two policy changes for the spring semester 2024 that concern the deadlines for Pass/D/Fail and Withdrawal.


For spring semester 2024, the deadline for electing Pass/D/Fail for courses will be extended to the last day of the semester, April 29, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. EDT.  
For spring semester 2024, the deadline for withdrawing from a course or courses will be extended to April 22, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. EDT. Please allow time in advance of this deadline to seek adviser approval.


The changes have been made to allow students additional time to make their decisions for the spring semester 2024. In the next academic year, Barnard will take under consideration the decision to make the same changes but on a permanent basis.


Please note that these deadlines fall during the week of Passover. We encourage students to make decisions about withdrawals or electing P/D/F in advance of the holiday whenever possible; however, if this is not possible, please contact your dean to make this request as soon as you are able to resume work activities after the holiday.


Please note that all other policies and deadlines remain in effect in spring 2024.


Students may elect the Pass/D/Fail option for one course per semester.
Courses for the majors or minors are not eligible for Pass/D/Fail.
Students may not withdraw from a course if it brings them below 12 credits unless previously approved for a reduced courseload.

Please consult this page of the website for all details on Pass/D/Fail.


We wish you well as we approach the final weeks of the spring semester.




Holly Tedder

Dean for Academic Planning and Class Advising


Jennifer Simmons


Spring 2024 Final Exam Schedules are Available


As we get closer to the end of the semester and final exams -- please check the Columbia University Projected Final Exam Schedule before you schedule your departure from campus!  Days and times are accurate; the only difference between the "projected" exam schedule and the full schedule is the latter will also have locations. The detailed, class-by-class list for both Columbia and Barnard classes should become available online after midterms.  

Note the following instructions regarding exam conflicts or exam hardship for Barnard students: Students will occasionally have two exams scheduled for the same time. If you have exam conflict (two exams at the same time) or exam hardship (defined as three exams within a 24-hour period or four exams within a 48-hour period), please fill out this form. Examinations are not rescheduled to accommodate travel plans. 

Monday, April 1, 2024

CARDS Spring 2024 Finals Fair

Need to speak with CARDS to schedule final exams or discuss any final exam hardship? Stop by Altschul 101 on either Aprill 11 or Aprill 18 to meet with a member of CARDS staff! 

*NEW* Vergil Feature to Search for Classes with Open Seats

Columbia has launched an updated Course Search in Vergil, which Barnard students can also use. 

The tool has similar search criteria as Student Planning, including the ability to look for classes that satisfy Barnard General Education (Foundations) requirements. It also has the option to “Only show classes with open seats” in the search results.

Education Department Drop-Ins for Fall 24 Program Planning 4/1 - 4/11


Barnard College Greek Games 2024!

The Greek Games are 
BACK! Get ready for an unforgettable revival of this once long-standing tradition. The Greek Games are a friendly competition among class years with games focused on physical and creative activities. The main competition will take place on Saturday, April 20th from 11:30am-2pm where representatives from your class year can participate in a tug of war, flag football, a dance competition and more! During Spirit Week (April 15-19) there will be select events that by attending, you can help your class-year earn points in the Games.

Whether you're ready to compete for your class-year or just want us to save you a seat at the Games, be sure to RSVP by Monday, April 15th!

Check out our latest Instagram post for more information and check your email for updates!

Department Open Houses Happening in April!

Early Fall 2024 course registration period will take place from Monday, April 15 - Friday, April 19, 2024. In preparation for this time, departments hold open houses so that students have an opportunity to ask questions about the courses taking place in the following sesmter and how to best satisfy degree requirements!

Not sure what major you would like declare? Consider stopping by one of these open houses to ask questions! See the list below for all department open houses taking place in April and any relevant fliers! 

Department NameMeeting Day, Date and TimeMeeting Location or
Zoom Link
BiologyFriday, April 5, 1:00-2:00pmDiana LL103 (tentative)sniemann@barnard.edu
Urban StudiesTuesday, April 9, 6:00-7:00513 Fayerweather | Columbia Campusvcoates@barnard.edu
Physics and AstronomyThursday, April 11th, 11:30am - 1:00pmAltschul 514rperring@barnard.edu
Environmental ScienceThursday, April 11, 5:30-7pm202 Altschul Hall, Please RSVP via emailccook@barnard.edu

Education ProgramM-Th, both weeks, different hours - can attach flyer with schedule.Milstein 7th Floorapshire@barnard.edu