Are you feeling stressed for finals, needing help organizing a study plan, or wanting to learn some new studying strategies? Join the program coordinator for academic coaching for one on one support! There will be drop in hours at various times from April 15th - May 2nd. You can sign up for a time using this form. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Allie Johnston at ajohnsto@barnard.edu.
The Non-Residential Support Office in collaboration with SEE and the Deans' Office for Advising and Support will be hosting Commuter Student study spaces!
Are you feeling stressed for finals, needing help organizing a study plan, or wanting to learn some new studying strategies? Join the program coordinator for academic coaching for one on one support! There will be drop in hours at various times from April 15th - 25th. You can sign up for a time using this form. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Allie Johnston at ajohnsto@barnard.edu.
The **NEW** deadline to withdraw from a spring 2024 class is April 22, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
Note that this is NOT the same date as the p/d/f deadline.
Withdrawn classes will not affect your GPA and you will not earn credit for them, but they will remain on your transcript, and a W will be entered place of the final grade.
Note: You may not withdraw from a class if doing so would leave you with fewer than 12 credits.
To withdraw from a class, use this online form , following these steps:
1. Consult with your adviser.
2. Get an email from your adviser confirming they approve you to withdraw from this specific class.
3. Download that email as a PDF or save a screenshot of it.
4. Complete and submit the online W form on or before the W deadline, uploading your adviser’s confirmation email when prompted to do so.
5. You will receive an email confirmation once your W request is processed, ordinarily within two business days.
Note that the W may not appear on your record until the end of the semester when final grades are entered.
As we get closer to the end of the semester and final exams -- please check the Columbia University Projected Final Exam Schedule before you schedule your departure from campus! Days and times are accurate; the only difference between the "projected" exam schedule and the full schedule is the latter will also have locations. The detailed, class-by-class list for both Columbia and Barnard classes should become available online after midterms.
Need to speak with CARDS to schedule final exams or discuss any final exam hardship? Stop by Altschul 101 on either Aprill 11 or Aprill 18 to meet with a member of CARDS staff!
Columbia has launched an updated Course Search in Vergil, which Barnard students can also use.
The tool has similar search criteria as Student Planning, including the ability to look for classes that satisfy Barnard General Education (Foundations) requirements. It also has the option to “Only show classes with open seats” in the search results.
Whether you're ready to compete for your class-year or just want us to save you a seat at the Games, be sure to RSVP by Monday, April 15th!
Check out our latest Instagram post for more information and check your email for updates!
Early Fall 2024 course registration period will take place from Monday, April 15 - Friday, April 19, 2024. In preparation for this time, departments hold open houses so that students have an opportunity to ask questions about the courses taking place in the following sesmter and how to best satisfy degree requirements!
Not sure what major you would like declare? Consider stopping by one of these open houses to ask questions! See the list below for all department open houses taking place in April and any relevant fliers!
Department Name | Meeting Day, Date and Time | Meeting Location or Zoom Link | Contact |
Biology | Friday, April 5, 1:00-2:00pm | Diana LL103 (tentative) | sniemann@barnard.edu |
Urban Studies | Tuesday, April 9, 6:00-7:00 | 513 Fayerweather | Columbia Campus | vcoates@barnard.edu |
Physics and Astronomy | Thursday, April 11th, 11:30am - 1:00pm | Altschul 514 | rperring@barnard.edu |
Environmental Science | Thursday, April 11, 5:30-7pm | 202 Altschul Hall, Please RSVP via email | ccook@barnard.edu |
Education Program | M-Th, both weeks, different hours - can attach flyer with schedule. | Milstein 7th Floor | apshire@barnard.edu |