Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Upcoming Deadlines and Procedures for Barnard and Columbia Summer Classes


How do I drop a summer Barnard class?

If you are dropping a Barnard Summer class but not all of your summer Barnard classes, you may drop via SSOL

How do I withdraw from or elect the p/d/f option in a Barnard summer class?

Email registrar@barnard.edu on or before the posted deadlines to request this change.


What if I want to drop all of my Barnard summer classes (even if all = 1)?

SSOL won't allow you to just drop all of the classes for a term (even if "all" is just one class). In that case, email registrar@barnard.edu and ask that they please drop all of your summer Barnard classes for you.


I tried to drop my Columbia Summer class using this process, but it won't work!

This process is only for Barnard summer courses. For Columbia summer courses, please follow the Columbia process


Will I get a refund? How much? Until when?

Specific summer related academic deadlines can be found on the Academic Calendar (and consider adding the academic calendar to your gBear calendar!). At a glance:

Summer A Barnard classes (2024) 
Barnard Summer registration opensMarch 18
First day of Barnard summer on-campus classesMay 20

Last day to drop Barnard summer courses for a full refund. (If you are unable to drop a class on SSOL, please email registrar@barnard.edu by this date)

May 24
Deadline to add Barnard summer on-campus classes (If you are unable to add a class on SSOL, please email registrar@barnard.edu by this date)May 24
Deadline for payment; students who have not paid will be administratively dropped from Barnard summer classes with full refundMay 24
Deadline to withdraw from a Barnard summer on-campus class (please email registrar@barnard.edu by this date)June 17
Deadline to declare the pass/d/fail option for a Barnard summer on-campus classJune 17
Last day of Barnard summer on-campus classes (before exams)June 25
Last day to request an Incomplete for a Barnard summer on-campus classJune 26
Reading and exam period for Barnard summer on-campus classesJune 26-28
Grades due for Barnard summer A classesJuly 10
Summer B Barnard classes (2024) 
Summer registration opensMarch 18
First day of summer on-campus classesJuly 1

Deadline to add summer on-campus classes (college students)

(If you are unable to add a class on SSOL, please email registrar@barnard.edu by this date)

July 8
Last day to drop summer courses for a full refundJuly 8
Deadline for payment; students who have not paid will be administratively dropped with full refundJuly 8
Deadline to withdraw from a summer on-campus class (email registrar@barnard.edu by this date)July 29
Deadline to declare the pass/d/fail option for a summer on-campus classJuly 29
Last day of summer on-campus classes (before exams)Aug 6
Last day to file a request for an Incomplete for a summer on-campus classAug 7
Reading and exam period for summer on-campus classesAug 7-9
Grades due for summer B classesAug 23
Last day to uncover a Summer A or B P/D/F gradeSept. 20

How do I drop a summer Columbia class?

If you are dropping a Columbia Summer class but not all of your summer CU classes, you may drop via SSOL.  If SSOL does not cooperate, please fill out this Registration Adjustment Form and reach out to your Class Dean, who will need to sign it and can submit it.  

What are the deadlines to drop a summer class and receive a full tuition refund?

Please refer to the CU Summer Academic Calendar and to this page, which includes more details about refunds and drop and withdrawal processes. If you have questions about your refund, please reach out to spsadvising@columbia.edu if you have any questions at all.

Can I take a Columbia summer class pass/D/fail?

In theory, yes, but because Columbia summer courses are considered transfer credit, you will only be able to transfer your Columbia summer courses to Barnard if you take them for a letter grade and earn at least a C-. 

If, knowing all that, you still want to take a Columbia summer class p/d/f, the deadline to change your grading option for Summer A courses is June 19. For Summer B courses it is July 31. For Summer X courses it is July 17.

I need to drop all of the CU summer classes in a summer term (even if all = 1)

Please note that Columbia refers to this as "withdrawing": this means withdrawing from the term; it does not necessarily mean that you will have a W on your transcript; that is governed by the Academic Calendar

In order to drop all of your CU summer courses, thereby withdrawing from the summer term entirely:

  1. Consult with your Class Dean 
  2. The Class Dean signs the Advisor Approval Form
  3. Student fills out Summer 2024 Withdrawal Request Form for Non-SPS Students and uploads signed Advisor Approval Form
  4. Student receives confirmation from sps-summeradvising@columbia.edu

    I heard that this takes three weeks to process! Should I be concerned? 

    Refunds, Ws, or other transcript notations should be based on the date of form submission, not the date the form is processed -- please be in touch with the Columbia Summer School (sps@columbia.edu) with any questions.  

    Tuesday, May 7, 2024

    The Latest Important Updates to P/D/F Policies


    Barnard College

    Dear Students,


    I’m writing to provide you with an important update to Barnard’s PDF policy for the Spring 2024 semester. 




    In alignment with Columbia, Barnard will change our Spring 2024 PDF policy to the following:

    The deadline to finalize your P/D/F elections has been extended to Wednesday, May 22, 2024 for graduating seniors and September 13, 2024 for continuing students. 
    Barnard students may elect up to two of their current courses Pass/D/Fail in any course, including in the major and minor, with the below exceptions: 
    Students may not elect Pass/D/Fail in the Senior Capstone experience. We have made an exception to this policy for the senior capstone course because it is central to the Barnard experience and a cornerstone of many academic departments.
    Students on the Urban Teaching certification track may not Pass/D/Fail any courses required for teaching certification. 
    Continuing students will be given until the second week of the Fall 2024 semester (September 13, 2024) to elect or revoke/change the Pass/D/Fail option for a Spring 2024 class, including uncovering a P grade.  We will share further details on how to modify your P/D/F elections in early June. 
    Students graduating in May 2024 will have until May 22, 2024, to elect or revoke/change the Pass/D/Fail option for a Spring 2024 class, including uncovering a P grade. Further details will be shared in a follow-up email later this week.  


    It is important to remember that there are situations in which it may not be desirable or beneficial for students to use the Pass/D/Fail option for particular courses of study. The notation of a “P” on a transcript can be read differently by different audiences — e.g., within a department or program, within a school, by admissions programs of graduate and professional programs, by employers. Given the amount of time you will have to make these decisions, we strongly encourage you to talk with your academic advisers — including your pre-major or major adviser(s), class deans, your advisers for graduate programs and pre-professional schools, and your career advisers — about these choices to ensure that you're taking into account not only your current circumstances but also your cumulative record and your future plans.


    Course Evaluations


    Course evaluations for the spring semester 2024 closed on May 2, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. This deadline was announced several times in emails to students. In recognition of the difficulties students are facing this semester, all students will be able to access their grades for spring 2024 on the same timetable, regardless of whether they have completed the course evaluations. Please note that this exception is for the current spring 2024 semester only. 


    Spring 2024 Academic Policy Website


    I understand that there have been many updates to academic policies and procedures over the past several days as the situation on campus has changed. Therefore, the full details of these updates are available at the following website: https://barnard.edu/spring-2024-academic-policies-and-procedures. Note that further updates may be made in the coming days, and I encourage you to check this website for current guidance should any questions arise. 


    I hope this information is helpful to you as you determine options for finishing the semester. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to be in touch with your class dean if you need assistance.



    Dean Grinage