Tuesday, February 28, 2023


How do I withdraw from a class with a W by the March 23 deadline?


The deadline to withdraw from a spring 2023 class is March 23. Withdrawn classes will not affect your GPA and you will not earn credit for them, but they will remain on your transcript, and a W will be entered place of the final grade. 

Note: You may not withdraw from a class if doing so would leave you with fewer than 12 credits.


To withdraw from a class, use this online form , following these steps:

1. Consult with your adviser.

2. Get an email from your adviser confirming they approve you to withdraw from this specific class.

3. Download that email as a PDF or save a screenshot of it.

4. Complete and submit the online W form, uploading your adviser’s confirmation email when prompted to do so.

5. You will receive an email confirmation once your W request is processed, ordinarily within two business days. 

Note that the W will not appear on your record until the end of the semester when final grades are entered.


Deadline alert: March 23 is the last day to P/D/F a Spring 2023 course

If you are considering electing the P/D/F option for a spring 2023 course, the last day to do so is  March 23, 2023. (this is also the W deadline)


Current students may elect P/D/F grading in a maximum of 23 points (22 points for students entering as transfers).  Courses that are only available with P/F grading are not counted. Courses where P/D/F grading is chosen but the grade is later uncovered will still count towards the credit limit.

The instructor is not informed when a student elects the Pass/D/Fail option. The instructor will assign a letter grade, which will be converted to P/D/F.  Because of this, students may see a letter grade in SSOL and should reference their Barnard transcript to see the P/D/F grade.

  • A letter grade of A+ through C- will appear on the transcript as a P, and will not count in the GPA

  • A letter grade of D will appear on the transcript as a D, and will count in the GPA

  • A letter grade of F will appear on the transcript as an F, and will count in the GPA

Classes taken for P/D/F grades can be applied to general education requirements but not to major or minor requirements.  

How to elect or revoke the P/D/F option

After the registration deadline for a term, students can elect P/D/F grading for any registered course.   The deadline to make this election (or to undo it - also called “revoking”) is posted in the academic calendar.  Students may not request a retroactive P/D/F.

To elect the P/D/F option:

-Go to portal.barnard.edu.  (Use a browser other than Safari).

- Under the Academics tab, click on "Planning your courses", and then "Request P/D/F for a course".

- Log in

- Click on Pass/D/Fail.  

- Click “P/D/F” in the Select column for each course you want to take P/D/F.  Be sure to submit a request for each part of a course (e.g. lecture and lab). 

- Click submit.


After 3 business days, you can return to the same portal page to check the status of your request.

-If your request is still pending, you will see your request but no action.

-If your request has been approved, you will see “Approved” in the P/D/F Status column 

-You will also see “Grading: Pass/Fail” on the course section in Student Planning.


If you requested P/D/F for a course in your major department

-you will see "Dept Chair approval reqd" in the P/D/F Status column.

-you will also receive an email instructing you to obtain department chair approval by a certain deadline

-If the request is approved by the Chair, you will see a status of “Approved.”  If not, it will say “Denied.”

NSOP Fall 2023 Recruitment

Whether you're eager to mentor students or excited about redesigning orientation social programs; there's a place on the NSOP team for you! Lead with NSOP this Fall 2023!The following positions are open: NSOP Committee (4 chairs), Orientation Leaders, and Crew Captains. The application for all positions is LIVE on MillieLink! Check out @barnard.nsop for more information!

Monday, February 27, 2023

Slavic Program Planning Meeting - 2/28/2023

Come explore courses in Slavic languages and literature on Tuesday, Feb 28th at 5:30pm in 226 Milbank! Pizza will be served!

Friday, February 24, 2023

Human Rights Open House - 2/27/2023

Please join the Human Rights Program for coffee, pastries, and community at our Open House on Monday, February 27th from 9am - 10:30am in 113 Milstein. Come by any time between 9am and 10:30am to have breakfast, learn about the joint major, talk with faculty, meet other students, and ask all your questions!   (The formal part of the event will be at 9:30am, but please stop by any time that works for you!)

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Calling all majors and prospective majors!

Still trying to decide your major before the March 1st deadline? Or maybe you have already declared your major but you're not sure what classes to take for the Fall semester? Have some lingering questions for your department? Come join various departments for their departmental meetings to answer all of your questions! This list is still be updated, last updated on 2/27/2023.

Department NameMeeting Day, Date and TimeMeeting Location or
Zoom Link
AnthropologyMonday, February 20, 2023 2:00- 3:30pmMilbank 227
ArchitectureMonday, April 10, 12:00-1:00pm504 The Diana Center
ChemistryFriday, March 31, 12pm to 2 pmMillstein LL002
Cognitive ScienceFriday, February 24, 1:00pm-2:30pmSulzberger Parlor (3rd Floor Barnard Hall)
DanceTuesday, March 7, 5:30-6:15PM306 Barnard Hall
EconomicsMonday, April 3 9-9:50amHybrid Zoom link TBA
GermanWednesday, March 29, 6:15-7:00pmhttps://columbiauniversity.zoom.us/j/95739873091?pwd=engzdW52RFhSYVplZmZmRVV5d3RkZz09
HistoryMonday, April 3, 4:00PM ESThttps://tinyurl.com/2xwuevuw
Human RightsMonday, February 27, 9:00am-10:30am113 Milstein
Jewish StudiesMonday, April 3, 12-1pmhttps://columbiauniversity.zoom.us/j/8597982941?pwd=K3lKNHhma1FPN09EelVNaTU0YmluQT09
PhilosophyWednesday, March 29, 12:00pm-1:00pm326 Milbank Hall
Political ScienceTuesday, April 1, 1:00-2:00 PMMilstein LL001
SlavicTuesday, February 28, 5:30PM226 MILBANK
SociologyTuesday, March 28, 4:00-5:00pm332 Milbank Hall
TheatreMonday April 10, 5:30-7pmMIL 323
Urban StudiesTuesday, April 4, 6:00-7:30 pmDiana 504

Sophomore's must declare their major by March 1st

Come join us and the SGA in celebrating you and this milestone in your academic journey on Tuesday, February 28th at 3:30pm in the James Room!

Monday, February 20, 2023

Cognitive Science Open House

 Please join the Cognitive Science Program for our Open House on Friday, February 24 from 1pm-2:30pm in Sulzberger Parlor (3rd Floor Barnard Hall).  Come have lunch, learn about the major, talk with faculty, meet other students, and ask all your questions!  The formal part of the event will be at 1:30pm, but please come by any time between 1pm and 2:30pm!  

Anthropology Program Planning

What is Anthropology?

What do Anthropologists do?

How Does One Major or Minor in Anthropology?

What are the Requirements if I Major in one of the specialized tracks in

Archaeology, Medical Anthropology, or Political Ecology?

How do I Balance my Plans to Study Abroad with my Degree Requirements?

All these questions and more will be answered at our Program Planning Meeting

Come Join Faculty and Students to Learn What We Do

Date: Monday, February 20, 2023

Time: 2:00 pm -3:30 pm 

Location: 227 Milbank

Light Refreshments will be Served.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

The Access Barnard Peer Mentoring Program is hiring peer mentors for the 2023-2024 academic year!

There will be two information sessions that will take place in the Access Barnard lounge, Milbank 111 on Tuesday, Feb 21, at 1-2 pm and Thursday, Mar 2, at 4-5 pm. This is a wonderful opportunity open to ALL rising juniors on Barnard's campus. Please RSVP for a session here. Email mentoring@barnard.edu with any questions.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Writing Fellow Applications are now open!

HERE is a link to follow to access the application.

If you have any questions or would like to know more, please come to one of the remaining info sessions (below)! 

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Please keep in mind Sophomore's must declare their major by March 1st

If you're having a hard time deciding your major, come stop by The Major's Fair Thursday, February 9th from 2:30pm - 5:30pm!

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

My schedule/grade/etc looks one way in SSOL or Courseworks, and a different way in Student Planning (a.k.a. selfservice.barnard.edu) -- which is correct?


Many of you have been asking about discrepancies between your schedule or grades on SSOL or Courseworks at Student Planning / selfservice.barnard.edu.  

Reminder that, as a Barnard student, your official record is the one in Student Planning. This means you should:

- Check your schedule on Student Planning to confirm you are registered (green) for all classes, labs, and discussion sections this semester and that you have successfully dropped anything you're not taking

- Use the Unofficial Transcript in Student Planning if you need to review your grades and GPA and confirm which were P/D/F and which were letter-graded