Thursday, August 18, 2022

Peer Tutor Application - Now Available!

If you are interested in applying to be a peer tutor, please apply here! And don't forget to fill out the supplemental form found here. We are recruiting on an ongoing basis and we look forward to connecting you with your tutor group!
If you have any questions, please reach out to


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Can I take more than 19 credits?


Can I take more than 19 credits?

Q: I heard it's possible for students to get permission from their adviser to take more than 19 credits. Is that true, and if so, how/when can I get permission?

AYes, but not yet. You may request adviser permission* for more than 19 credits only during the final registration period (Sept 6-16, 2022 for fall 2022).

*Please note that these requests will only be granted for urgent reasons, such as completion of a major, a minor, or for graduation requirements.


Q: What if I get in off a waitlist that puts me over the limit?

A: If you are removed from a waitlist and temporarily find yourself in more than 19 credits, you will need to drop the "extra" class or receive approval to exceed the limit -- if you do neither, the registrar will need to drop you from the most recently added class.