Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Can I take more than 19 credits?


Can I take more than 19 credits?

Q: I heard it's possible for students to get permission from their adviser to take more than 19 credits. Is that true, and if so, how/when can I get permission?

AYes, but not yet. You may request adviser permission* for more than 19 credits only during the final registration period (Sept 6-16, 2022 for fall 2022).

*Please note that these requests will only be granted for urgent reasons, such as completion of a major, a minor, or for graduation requirements.


Q: What if I get in off a waitlist that puts me over the limit?

A: If you are removed from a waitlist and temporarily find yourself in more than 19 credits, you will need to drop the "extra" class or receive approval to exceed the limit -- if you do neither, the registrar will need to drop you from the most recently added class.