Thursday, September 29, 2022

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

P/D/F available for Fall 2022 courses beginning Sept 26. Deadline = Nov. 17


P/D/F available for Fall 2022 courses beginning Sept 26. Deadline = Nov. 17

If you are considering electing the p/d/f option for a fall 2022 course, you may do so beginning September 26, 2022.  The last day to elect the p/d/f option is November 17, 2022. (this is also the W deadline)

**Special note for mid-year grads -- you cannot uncover grades of P from a course taken during  your last semester. 

Also, reminder that previous years' special p/d/f rules are no longer in effect - courses taken p/d/f this year are subject to the usual rules.  Read all about p/d/f on the Registrar's website:


Current students may elect P/D/F grading in a maximum of 23 points (22 points for students entering as transfers).  Courses that are only available with P/F grading are not counted. Courses where p/d/f grading is chosen but the grade is later uncovered will still count towards the credit limit.

The instructor is not informed when a student elects the Pass/D/Fail option. The instructor will assign a letter grade, which will be converted to P/D/F.  Because of this, students may see a letter grade in SSOL and should reference their Barnard transcript to see the P/D/F grade.

  • A letter grade of A+ through C- will appear on the transcript as a P, and will not count in the gpa

  • A letter grade of D will appear on the transcript as a D, and will count in the gpa

  • A letter grade of F will appear on the transcript as an F, and will count in the gpa

Classes taken for p/d/f grades can be applied to general education requirements but not to major or minor requirements.  

How to elect or revoke the p/d/f option

After the registration deadline for a term, students can elect p/d/f grading for any registered course.   The deadline to make this election (or to undo it - also called “revoking”) is posted in the academic calendar.  Students may not request P/D/F retroactively.

To elect the pd/f/ option:

-Go to  (Use a browser other than Safari).

- Under the Academics tab, click on "Planning your courses", and then "Request P/D/F for a course".

- Log in

-Click on Pass/D/Fail.  

-Click “P/D/F” in the Select column for each course you want to take p/d/f.  Be sure to submit a request for each part of a course (e.g. lecture and lab). 

-Click submit.


After 3 business days, you can return to the same portal page to check the status of your request.

-If your request is still pending, you will see your request but no action.

-If your request has been approved, you will see “Approved” in the PDF Status column 

-You will also see “Grading: Pass/Fail” on the course section in Student Planning.


If you requested P/D/F for a course in your major department

-you will see "Dept Chair approval reqd" in the PDF Status column.

-you will also receive email instructing you to obtain department chair approval by a certain deadline

-If the request is approved by the Chair, you will see a status of “Approved.”  If not, it will say “Denied.”


To undo/ revoke your p/d/f election (must be done prior to the p/d/f deadline):

-click on “Revoke” in the Select column.

-Within 3 business days, the “Grading: Pass/Fail” note will have returned to “Graded” in Student Planning.

-If you revoke the p/d/f election, it will not count towards your p/d/f credit limit.

-If you drop or officially withdraw from a class that you had previously p/d/f'd, you should also revoke the p/d/f so that it won't count towards your p/d/f limit.

"Uncover" for Summer 2022 Barnard P/D/F grades = available Sept 26 - Oct 26

If you elected the p/d/f option for a Barnard summer 2022 class, you may uncover that grade if you like.

The Uncover option for Barnard Summer 2022 classes will be available beginning Sept 26, until the October 26 deadline.


Go to --> Academics --> Taking Classes --> Change P/D/F Status

You will be able to uncover grades of P from Summer 2022 courses as of Monday, September 26

You will also be able to elect the p/d/f option for fall 2022 classes beginning Sept 26.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

How to drop a class by the October 11 deadline


Friday, 9/16/2022 was the deadline to add a class, but you can still drop up to the October 11 deadline (after the drop deadline, you can withdraw with a W on or before Nov 17)

Follow the easy online steps below to drop a class on or before the deadline. 

1. Contact your adviser to discuss and obtain their approval

Best practice is to have an advising conversation where you discuss options and any possible implications of this drop on your full-time status or your graduation progress, but depending on how much you and your adviser have already discussed things, they may accept an email request from you in place of a meeting.  


2. Your adviser will submit an online request via WebAdvisor to enable you to drop online via Student Planning.

You will only be able to drop online if your adviser has granted this permission. Be sure that you are not attempting to drop below 12 credits unless approved via CARDS or as a final-semester senior  -- the system will not allow drop below 12 credits without approval.


3. As soon as your adviser grants permission, you will receive an email informing you that you have permission to drop the class(es) discussed.

While this adviser permission is for the specific class you request, functionally it reopens your ability to drop in general, so be sure to drop the right class and nothing else.


4. You will have two days to drop the class online via Student Planning.*

If you don't drop within the 2-day window, you will need to request permission again. 

*Note that you must drop on or before the drop deadline if you want the class removed from your transcript.

FAQ: The registration deadline has passed but I still need adviser approval or approval for over 19 credits; what do I do?


FAQ: The registration deadline has passed but I still need adviser approval or approval for over 19 credits; what do I do?

Registered for over 19 credits?
If you are registered for more than 19 credits and have not received adviser approval, it is especially urgent that you contact your adviser to discuss  (a) getting their permission to drop a class using the online drop process (b)  getting their approval to remain in 19 credits.  If you remain in over 19 credits without approval, the registrar will automatically drop you from your most recently-added course(s).  

Haven't met with your adviser for schedule approval?
As a reminder, all students were supposed to meet with their adviser sometime during the first two weeks of classes to get the adviser's sign-off on your final schedule.  If you haven't yet done that, it's not too late, but you should contact your adviser for a meeting ASAP. 

Can't add something you totally have permission to join because it's the week after registration?


Argh my prof said I got in off the waitlist but it's after the registration deadline! Oh no; I forgot to add my zero-credit discussion section and now Student Planning won't let me!

Can't add something you totally have permission to join because it's the week after registration? In many cases you will need to petition the Committee on Programs and Academic Standing, but in some more straightforward cases, you can submit the Online Add Form, which will allow you to upload confirmation emails from the instructor and your adviser.

When can I use the Add Form?

  • Add a course (after the course registration deadline) for which you are waitlisted
  • Add a discussion or recitation section
  • Add a lab or zero-point course
  • Add a PE or Dance course
  • Add a short course that has not yet begun
  • Change Sections of a course (eg. section 02 to section 01)
  • Change levels (eg. French II to French I) of a Late Course

Friday, September 9, 2022

Using SSOL to Search for Classes

 Here is a picture guide for searching for classes using SSOL: