Wednesday, September 28, 2022

P/D/F available for Fall 2022 courses beginning Sept 26. Deadline = Nov. 17


P/D/F available for Fall 2022 courses beginning Sept 26. Deadline = Nov. 17

If you are considering electing the p/d/f option for a fall 2022 course, you may do so beginning September 26, 2022.  The last day to elect the p/d/f option is November 17, 2022. (this is also the W deadline)

**Special note for mid-year grads -- you cannot uncover grades of P from a course taken during  your last semester. 

Also, reminder that previous years' special p/d/f rules are no longer in effect - courses taken p/d/f this year are subject to the usual rules.  Read all about p/d/f on the Registrar's website:


Current students may elect P/D/F grading in a maximum of 23 points (22 points for students entering as transfers).  Courses that are only available with P/F grading are not counted. Courses where p/d/f grading is chosen but the grade is later uncovered will still count towards the credit limit.

The instructor is not informed when a student elects the Pass/D/Fail option. The instructor will assign a letter grade, which will be converted to P/D/F.  Because of this, students may see a letter grade in SSOL and should reference their Barnard transcript to see the P/D/F grade.

  • A letter grade of A+ through C- will appear on the transcript as a P, and will not count in the gpa

  • A letter grade of D will appear on the transcript as a D, and will count in the gpa

  • A letter grade of F will appear on the transcript as an F, and will count in the gpa

Classes taken for p/d/f grades can be applied to general education requirements but not to major or minor requirements.  

How to elect or revoke the p/d/f option

After the registration deadline for a term, students can elect p/d/f grading for any registered course.   The deadline to make this election (or to undo it - also called “revoking”) is posted in the academic calendar.  Students may not request P/D/F retroactively.

To elect the pd/f/ option:

-Go to  (Use a browser other than Safari).

- Under the Academics tab, click on "Planning your courses", and then "Request P/D/F for a course".

- Log in

-Click on Pass/D/Fail.  

-Click “P/D/F” in the Select column for each course you want to take p/d/f.  Be sure to submit a request for each part of a course (e.g. lecture and lab). 

-Click submit.


After 3 business days, you can return to the same portal page to check the status of your request.

-If your request is still pending, you will see your request but no action.

-If your request has been approved, you will see “Approved” in the PDF Status column 

-You will also see “Grading: Pass/Fail” on the course section in Student Planning.


If you requested P/D/F for a course in your major department

-you will see "Dept Chair approval reqd" in the PDF Status column.

-you will also receive email instructing you to obtain department chair approval by a certain deadline

-If the request is approved by the Chair, you will see a status of “Approved.”  If not, it will say “Denied.”


To undo/ revoke your p/d/f election (must be done prior to the p/d/f deadline):

-click on “Revoke” in the Select column.

-Within 3 business days, the “Grading: Pass/Fail” note will have returned to “Graded” in Student Planning.

-If you revoke the p/d/f election, it will not count towards your p/d/f credit limit.

-If you drop or officially withdraw from a class that you had previously p/d/f'd, you should also revoke the p/d/f so that it won't count towards your p/d/f limit.