Tuesday, October 10, 2023

NEW Pass/D/Fail Policy and Procedure ---Same Nov 16 Deadline


If you are considering electing the p/d/f option for a fall 2023 course, you may do so until  November 16, 2023, the deadline to elect the P/D/F option.  (this is also the W deadline)

you can read all about p/d/f on the Registrar's website but especially note the new policy on the number of courses that may be taken p/d/f in a given semester:

**NEW** Beginning fall 2023, Barnard students can elect P/D/F grading in one course per term.  This is in addition to any courses with mandatory pass/fail grading.  A class in which the P grade is uncovered is still counted towards the one course per term P/D/F limit.


The instructor is not informed when a student elects the P/D/F grading option. The instructor will assign a letter grade in SSOL, which will be converted to P/D/F on your transcript.

A letter grade of A+ through C- will appear on the transcript as a P, and will not count in the GPA.
A letter grade of D will appear on the transcript as a D, and will count in the GPA.
A letter grade of F will appear on the transcript as an F, and will count in the GPA.


To elect the P/D/F Grading option:

**NEW** process as of fall 2023:

Barnard students will use SSOL to elect P/D/F grading

-Click here to elect a Fall 2023 course for P/D/F grading.  (Use a browser other than Safari).

-Click on P/D/F grading then Grading Option Change Request.

This form can be used to elect Pass/D/Fail for a course where that option is not available in SSOL.


To undo/ revoke your p/d/f election  - or switch the election to a different class (this must be done prior to the P/D/F grading deadline):

-Go to ssol.columbia.edu and go to Pass/D/Fail Uncover.


 Pro Tip:

-If you drop or officially withdraw from a class that you had previously p/d/f'd, you should also revoke the p/d/f so that it won't count towards your p/d/f limit.