Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Department Open Houses Happening in February!

Early Fall 2024 course registration period will take place from Monday, April 15 - Friday, April 19, 2024. In preparation for this time, departments hold open houses so that students have an opportunity to ask questions about the courses taking place in the following sesmter and how to best satisfy degree requirements!

Not sure what major you would like declare? Consider stopping by one of these open houses to ask questions! See the list below for all department open houses taking place in February!

Department NameMeeting Day, Date and TimeMeeting Location or
Zoom Link
EducationTues, February 20th, @ 6 pm.

Students are encouraged to make individual appointments with faculty members to discuss their interests and formulate a program plan
April 1- April 15. During this two-week period, Education faculty extend their office hours to accommodate program planning.
Cognitive ScienceThursday, February 22, 5:30pm - 7pmSulzberger Parlor, Barnard
Human RightsMonday, February 26, 6pm-7pm113
EnglishWednesday, February 28, 5-7 pmElliott Hall Second;