Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Thursday, March 21 is the Deadline to Withdraw from a Class and Change your Grading Option to Pass/D/Fail

 The deadline to change your grading option to P/D/F is Thursday, March 21, 2024.  Note you may change your grading option to P/D/F in only one class per term.  Grades of P will satisfy General Education Requirements;  They will not count towards major requirement.  You will have until the end of the registration period of the Fall 2024 semester (the Friday of week 2) to uncover a grade of P received in Spring 2024. 

Barnard students will use SSOL to elect P/D/F grading

-Click here to elect Spring 2024 course for P/D/F grading.  (Use a browser other than Safari).

-Click on P/D/F grading then Grading Option Change Request.

This form can be used to elect Pass/D/Fail for a course where that option is not available in SSOL.

To undo/ revoke your p/d/f election  - or switch the election to a different class (this must be done prior to the P/D/F grading deadline):

-Go to and go to Pass/D/Fail Uncover.

To withdraw from a class, use this online form, following these steps:

1. Consult with your adviser.

2. Get an email from your adviser confirming they approve you to withdraw from this specific class.

3. Download that email as a PDF or save a screenshot of it.

4. Complete and submit the online W form on or before the W deadline, uploading your adviser’s confirmation email when prompted to do so.

5. You will receive an email confirmation once your W request is processed, ordinarily within two business days. 

Note that the W will not appear on your record until the end of the semester when final grades are entered.