Tuesday, August 27, 2024

When/where/how to take your approved deferred exam from Spring 2024

Deferred exams for Spring 2024 classes

Deferred exams from Spring 2024 will be held on Friday, September 6th Monday, September 9th, 2024.  The Barnard Registrar will be in touch with you to confirm the location & room details regarding your exam details the week before exams.

Friday, September 6th 9:00AM – 12:00PM - Room TBD

Friday, September 6th 1:00PM – 4:00PM - Room TBD

Monday, September 9th 9:00AM – 12:00PM - Room TBD

Monday, September 9th1:00PM – 4:00 PM - Room TBD

For most in-person deferred exams, we will follow a self-scheduled exam model. You will be contacted directly if your exam has a specific day and time. Otherwise, this model, followed by a number of peer institutions, allows students to select when to take their exams from among a number of blocked exam time periods. 

Spring 2024 deferred exams must be completed by Monday, September 9th, 2024.

For more information regarding Spring 2024 deferred exams, including location information, please check this page once classes begin.

Pro Tips:
  • If you have an unavoidable conflict between a deferred exam and a current class, prioritize the exam and email your instructor, copying your class dean, to say you were advised to do this and ask how to catch up on missed content
  • If you have a choice, plan to take your deferred exam at the earliest possible opportunity -- that will give you a Plan B option if anything goes awry.

FINAL INCOMPLETE DEADLINE for Spring 2024 classes is Tuesday, September 3, 2024

If you took an Incomplete in any of your Spring 2024 classes, be sure to turn in all remaining written work too both the instructor and registrar@barnard.edu (so that it can be time-stamped as on time) no later than Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

Once the instructor submits the new final grade, it will completely replace the temporary placeholder "I" grade, and your transcript will show no evidence of the former incomplete.

In between you submitting the work and the instructor entering the updated grade, you may see your grade temporarily changed to "WS" -- do not panic if you see this! It stands for "Work Submitted" and means you have done everything correctly and by the appropriate deadline.

If work is not submitted by the deadline, the instructor will be directed to enter the contingency grade, i.e. a final grade factoring in a zero for any missing work. The contingency grade will be preceded by an asterisk on the transcript (e.g. *B, *C-, *F). 

If you are experiencing extenuating circumstances and would like to discuss the possibility of petitioning to extend an incomplete, please contact your class dean.

DEADLINE ALERT: Change P/D/F election from spring 2024 by September 13, 9pm


As a reminder, per last semester's special p/d/f policy, you can make P/D/F changes to your spring 2024 course grades until 9:00 p.m. on Friday, September 13. Please note that these extended deadlines apply only to spring 2024 P/D/F elections. (You will not be able to modify your P/D/F elections for previous terms.)


All changes to your P/D/F elections can be made in SSOL. This includes:

Electing the P/D/F option for a class (either before or after the grade is posted) using the P/D/F selection tool in SSOL.  
If your instructor assigned a grade of C- or better, you will essentially be “covering” that grade with a grade of P on your transcript. Reminder that a C- is the minimum grade for a P; grades of D or F are unchanged by P/D/F status.
If a class does not have the P/D/F option in SSOL, you are still allowed to take it P/D/F,  just use this form to elect the P/D/F option.  
Removing / revoking the P/D/F option for a class (i.e. changing a previously elected p/d/f to normal letter grading)
If a grade has not yet been assigned, you will do this in the P/D/F selection tool in SSOL. 
If a grade has been assigned, you will do this by “Uncovering” the grade in SSOL. You can see the letter grade that you received by going to the P/D/F Grading tab in SSOL.
Special note: if you wish to uncover a grade of P and then use your P/D/F option for a different class: Be sure to start this process at least one day before the deadline: You will need to “uncover” the grade one day, and then go back to SSOL the following day to elect P/D/F in the other class. 


After 24 hours have passed, we highly recommend that you verify on your Barnard unofficial transcript in Student Planning (selfservice.barnard.edu) that your spring 2024 grades appear as you intended.  


If you have any questions or notice any discrepancies, please contact the Registrar’s Office immediately at registrar@barnard.edu


If you need assistance deciding how to use your P/D/F options, please do not hesitate to be in touch with your adviser or class dean.

DEADLINE REMINDER: Registration, Adviser Approval, Enrollment Confirmation deadline is FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13


Keep in Mind:

1.  Your Fall 2024 Course Plan in Student Planning must show, 
in green 
(i.e. fully registered)all courses that you are taking this semester, including any PE, Dance technique, Varsity sport, or rehearsal/performance course for which you will earn credit this semester. 

2.  Your adviser must approve your course schedule by clicking "Review Complete" in Student Planning.  Ideally, they will do this during an advising meeting with you.  If there are extenuating circumstances making it impossible for you to meet with your adviser, please communicate these circumstances to your adviser as soon as possible.  Need advice/approval and can't reach your adviser? Visit us in the Deans' Office!

3. Don't forget to drop any classes or waitlists that you no longer need.

4. If you are unable to add a course that you know that you're in, or if you are unable to drop a course or leave a waitlist for something you're not taking, please visit or contact the Registrar's office, registrar@barnard.edu).

5. It is possible that a credit for a P.E. course, Dance technique course, or Varsity sport may appear after the registration deadline (if the course is eligible for credit for the P.E. requirement). If this does not happen automatically, you may need to fill out a form.

6. Friday, Sept 13 is the last day you may officially add a course to your schedule. If you need to add a course to your schedule after that date, you will need to petition the Committee on Programs and Academic Standing (CPAS) for permission to do so (contact your class dean if you need info about this), and a late fee may be charged.

7. You may still drop courses until the Drop Deadline (see Academic Calendar for drop deadlines.  To drop a course after Sept 13, you will need to meet with your adviser for approval, so your adviser can submit their approval of your drop request no later that 4:30 p.m. on the drop deadline.

8. Reminder that all students must confirm enrollment by (1) registering for classes and (2) paying your bill by the Sept 13 deadline. See this blog post for how to tell what kind of hold you may have, and contact the Bursar if you need to discuss your bill.

**Note about Courseworks/Canvas**

Until the registration deadline, your CourseworksCanvas page may not look exactly like your Student Planning page because it takes some time for an added class on myBarnard to appear on Courseworks, and it takes some extra time for a dropped class to disappear. Courseworks will catch up eventually. The most important thing is to make sure that your enrollments are accurate on your Student Planning schedule. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Final Incomplete Deadline for Spring 2024 Classes: Tuesday, September 3

If you took an Incomplete in any of your Spring 2024 classes, be sure to turn in all remaining written work to both the instructor and registrar@barnard.edu (so that it can be time-stamped as on time) no later than Tuesday, September 3, 2024.  

Once the instructor submits the new final grade, it will completely replace the temporarily placeholder "I" grade, and your transcript will show no evidence of the former incomplete.

If work is not submitted by the deadline, the instructor will be directed to enter the contingency grade, i.e. a final grade factoring in a zero for any missing work. The contingency grade will be preceded by an asterisk on the transcript (e.g. *B, *C-, *F). If you are experiencing extenuating circumstances and would like to discuss the possibility of petitioning to extend an incomplete, please contact your class dean.

How to search Vergil for classes with open seats and other relevant criteria

Columbia has launched an updated Course Search in Vergil, which Barnard students can also use. 

The tool has similar search criteria as Student Planning, including the ability to look for classes that satisfy Barnard General Education (Foundations) requirements, classes with a particular number of credits, etc. 

NOTE ON FOUNDATIONS REQS: for Barnard requirements, be sure to cross reference anything found here with the Slate listing of courses approved for Foundations requirements.

It also has the option to “Only show classes with open seats” in the search results. 

You can also filter by term, number of credits, Foundations designation (again confirm this with the Barnard page!), course number, and more!

Hold preventing you from adding/dropping courses? Here's how to find out where they're coming from so you can address/remove them

 If you logged into Student Planning and got a red pop-up telling you a hold is preventing you from adding/dropping

you should contact the office that has placed the hold to address it ASAP (even if you don't need to register/add/drop right now, this is still a problem that needs to be resolved before it causes you any future issues!).

You can find out where any holds are coming from via the Barnard Portal, which will take you to the relevant Slate page as follows:

1. Log into the portal

2. Hover your mouse over Academics
3. Then hover over Planning Your Courses
4. Then click Registration Appointment & Holds.  
5. This will take you to a Slate page which may ask you to log in with your Columbia UNI before opening. Here you will see any holds as well as a link to a list of all upcoming registration times (more comprehensive than what you see in Student Planning, which just shows your next time, and shows nothing if you log in during a reg time):

How to see your position on a waitlist


To view your position on a waitlist for a course, you’ll need to log into SSOL (Student Services Online) using your Columbia UNI and password.

Once you log into SSOL, click on the “Registration” link on the home screen under the Academic Records section of the Your Data tab.

From there, click the “Continue with Fall 2024 Registration” button on the following screen.

You will be taken to a screen with both classes you are currently registered for and classes you are on the waitlist for. On SSOL, classes under the “Fall 2024 classes” refer to classes you are registered for and classes under the “Fall 2024 Wish List” refer to classes you’re on the waitlist for.

When you’re on the waitlist for a class, SSOL will tell you either your position on the waitlist or it will say “Pending Approval.”

If a class gives you your position on the waitlist, this indicates that the waitlist is automatic. This means that the waitlist for the class is managed by the online registration services. If a person drops the class, the student who is in position 1 on the waitlist will automatically be added to the class.

If a course says “Pending Approval” under the waitlist, this means that the professor for the course is managing the waiting list. Rather than having students automatically file into the class from the waitlist, the professor is individually reviewing students for admittance to the class.