Tuesday, August 27, 2024

DEADLINE ALERT: Change P/D/F election from spring 2024 by September 13, 9pm


As a reminder, per last semester's special p/d/f policy, you can make P/D/F changes to your spring 2024 course grades until 9:00 p.m. on Friday, September 13. Please note that these extended deadlines apply only to spring 2024 P/D/F elections. (You will not be able to modify your P/D/F elections for previous terms.)


All changes to your P/D/F elections can be made in SSOL. This includes:

Electing the P/D/F option for a class (either before or after the grade is posted) using the P/D/F selection tool in SSOL.  
If your instructor assigned a grade of C- or better, you will essentially be “covering” that grade with a grade of P on your transcript. Reminder that a C- is the minimum grade for a P; grades of D or F are unchanged by P/D/F status.
If a class does not have the P/D/F option in SSOL, you are still allowed to take it P/D/F,  just use this form to elect the P/D/F option.  
Removing / revoking the P/D/F option for a class (i.e. changing a previously elected p/d/f to normal letter grading)
If a grade has not yet been assigned, you will do this in the P/D/F selection tool in SSOL. 
If a grade has been assigned, you will do this by “Uncovering” the grade in SSOL. You can see the letter grade that you received by going to the P/D/F Grading tab in SSOL.
Special note: if you wish to uncover a grade of P and then use your P/D/F option for a different class: Be sure to start this process at least one day before the deadline: You will need to “uncover” the grade one day, and then go back to SSOL the following day to elect P/D/F in the other class. 


After 24 hours have passed, we highly recommend that you verify on your Barnard unofficial transcript in Student Planning (selfservice.barnard.edu) that your spring 2024 grades appear as you intended.  


If you have any questions or notice any discrepancies, please contact the Registrar’s Office immediately at registrar@barnard.edu


If you need assistance deciding how to use your P/D/F options, please do not hesitate to be in touch with your adviser or class dean.